Foot Orthoses
Custom foot orthoses/orthotics are occasionally used to manage foot pain as well as pain in other parts of your body. Depending on your individual needs, your orthotist/pedorthist will design a treatment plan just for you.
Often times, the pain you experience throughout your legs, knees, hip, and back start with improper motion in your feet. In fact, the way your feet land and push off the ground can impact the rest of your body, causing misalignment and even pain. Custom inserts help align your foot and ankle, aid with position and movement, and can be a preventative step in managing pain in other parts of your body.

Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFOs) are commonly used to treat a range of walking disorders caused by a variety of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis. They are designed to provide support and proper joint alignment of the foot and ankle, assisting in instances of muscle weakness and helping protect the foot and leg.
AFOs are typically made of plastic, carbon-fiber, or metals, with various levels of rigidity based on the needs of the individual.

Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFOs) are designed to provide support and proper joint alignment of the knee, foot and ankle, assist or substitute for muscle weakness and joint instability, and protect the lower limb.
This type of brace may be prescribed to combat the effects of muscle weakness due to a neuromuscular disorder or may be used as protection for patients who are in rehabilitation after a traumatic injury. Conditions where a KAFO may help include post-polio syndrome, multiple sclerosis, unilateral paralysis, and spinal cord injury.

Knee Orthoses
Most people will experience knee pain or injury at some point in their life, and in many instances knee braces can help. They are designed to off-load areas of painful osteoarthritis or aid in the stability of the knee joint secondary to ligament injury, postoperative reconstruction, meniscus damage, and for preventative protection.
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a rehabilitation technique in which patterns of electrical stimulation are used to stimulate a nerve to help facilitate movement. Typically FES is designed to control muscles that are weak or paralyzed as a result of a neurological injury or disease that has compromised the ability of the muscles to contract appropriately on their own.
The most common use of FES is in treating muscle weakness in the leg, caused by a central nervous system disorder such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, or incomplete spinal cord injury.

Diabetic Shoes & Inserts
Over 30 million people in the United States are impacted by diabetes and a large percentage of them experience medical issues with their feet.1 Complications can include nerve damage, loss of feeling and poor circulation, skin changes, calluses, and foot ulcers, and they can present significant challenges to proper care.
Custom inserts and special shoes can be prescribed to take pressure off specific areas of your foot where you struggle to heal and help prevent painful pressure points, blisters, and sores from developing. They are made to fit your feet and are fabricated from breathable materials designed to cushion while providing extra support to the ankle, arch, and heel.

Upper Limb Orthoses
We offer a variety of orthoses and supports for the shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, and hand that can be used for a range of needs, from ongoing stability to post-operative or post-injury immobilization.
Positional Supports help prevent unwanted contractures, maintain proper alignment, and control range of motion. They are often used as part of a physical or occupational therapy program.

Spinal Orthoses
Spinal orthoses, which include neck and back orthoses, are used to support and stabilize areas of the body from the cervical to the lower back, including the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. These types of orthoses may be used postoperatively to promote proper and safe healing, to treat a chronic disease or condition such as arthritis, or used to treat an injury like whiplash.